Estetika / The Central European Journal of Aesthetics, 2015/1

Estetika / The Central European Journal of Aesthetics, 2015/1
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Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aesthetics

L (New series: VI), 2013, Number 2



Rafe McGregor: Narrative Thickness

Simone Neuber: Evaluative Beliefs in a Thought Theoretical Framework? A Proposal for Non-positive Epistemic States

Ken Wilder: Vermeer: Interruptions, Exclusions, and 'Imagining Seeing'

Review Essay

Malcolm Budd: Nussbaum's Virtual Music Space

Aesthetics in Central Europe: Articles and Archive Documents

Miloš Ševčík: Patočka's Interpretations of Hegel's Thesis on the Past Character of Art

Jan Patočka: Art and Time


New Publications


Iris Vidmar: Alan H. Goldman, Philosophy and the Novel 

Books and Journals Received