Vendula HnídkováNárodní styl. Kultura a politikaThe National Style entered the scene with the end of the World War I,
when the intensive feeling of historical victory conditioned and
fortified new contents of a part of Czech art, architecture and craft. The ambition to build a Czech national culture on the state platform was motivated by the attempt to give the Czech Republic a primarily slavic character. The main protagonists of the National Style Pavel Janák, Josef Gočár and František Kysela tried to create specific expressive elements, inspired by the nature of the locals.
Nation, Identity and Style. Constructing National Identity on the Example of Czech Erchitectura of the 19th Century (Jindřich Vybíral)
National Style. Arts and Politics
Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, 2013, 200 x 260 mm, 187 pages., Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-86863-62-7