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Airfields and Airports of Ostrava
ISBN: 978-80-85034-56-1
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Tomáš Nitra
Airfields and Airports of Ostrava
Their History and Development
The new bilingual publication "Airfields and Airports of Ostrava" is focused of the establishment and development of aviation support in the city of Ostrava. It follows the first transit and sport airfields, which preceded the current Leoš Janáček Airport Ostrava in Mošnov, which no longer exist. It pays special attention to the development and technological development of the transit part of the airport in Mošnov.From the architectural realization of the specific airport objects, the changes of the artistic vision of the projectants and the final realizations, to the changes in the interiors serving as representation space. The book "Airfields and Airports of Ostrava" will interest all readers interested in aviatics.
The beginning of aviation in the Ostrava area before the Second World War
Bohuslavice, Dolní Benešov Airfield / Ostrava / Opava Airfield, General Hanák Airfield
Přívoz, temporary airfield in Ostrava
Hrabůvka, Ostrava Airfield
The establishment of the airfield
Hangars and airfield facilities, sports and passenger sections
Mošnov, Ostrava Airport, Leoš Janáček Airport Ostrava
Designs and construction
Technical equipment and facilities
Runways and taxiways
Changes to the airport
The first reconstruction
The second reconstruction
The airport today
Ostrava, ČSA offices
List of abbreviations
National Heritage Institute, Ostrava 2010, 111 pages., 150 x 210 mm, Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-85034-56-1