Summer of Caprice

Summer of Caprice
ISBN: 80-246-1195-3
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Vladislav Vančura, translated by Mark Corner

Summer of Caprice

Vančura's Summer of Caprice is often said to be untranslatable. It is both because of the stylized language and the development of the context in which the book moved for the past eighty years. From this point of view this edition is an experiment, not only thanks to the translation by Mark Corner - which is like all other translation an interpretation of the text to a certain degree - but also thanks to orginal illustrations by Jiří Grus and typography of Zdeněk Zeigler. It is, however, an experiment aimed to offering an understaning of Czech nature, humour and worldview.

Karolinum, Prague 2006, 135 x 185 mm, 208 pages, ISBN 80-246-1195-3