Theatre must not be comedy for the people / Divadlo nesmí býti lidu komedií

Theatre must not be comedy for the people / Divadlo nesmí býti lidu komedií
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Jiří Zahrádka

"Theatre must not be comedy for the people"

Leoš Janáček and the National Theatre in Brno

This monograph focuses on the mutual relationship of Leoš Janáček and the National Theatre in Brno, the most important theatrical institution in Moravia. The relationship was longstanding, multi-faceted and far from simple. As a trustee of the Czech National Theatre in Brno, Janáček was part of the organizational structure (called Družstvo/Collective) from the start, attemtpting to realize his vision of how this institution should operate. Detailed discussions of the productions of Janáček´s works on the Brno stage and the circumstances during his lifetime constitute the core of the book. Attention is also paid to Janáček as an ardent theatre-goer as well as to the memorial ceremony in the foyer of the City Theatre on 15 August 1928, after his death. In documenting the acitivities of the National Theatre in Brno in the period, the monograph documents the turbulent times connected with the building of the new Czech theatre house, with the establishment of the new ensamble and the transferal of the German Municipal Theatre to the Czech company ater the coup d´étât of 1918.
Janáček and Brno Opera Productions Before the Openning of the Theatre on Veveří ulice in 1884
Janáček as Reviewer of the Czech National Theatre in Brno
Janáček as a Member and Representative of the Družstvo of the Czech National Theatre in Brno
Janáček as a Visitor to Performances of the Brno National Theatre
Janáček´s Work on the Stage of the Brno National Theatre
Janáček´s Works on Concerts by the Brno National Theatre Orchestra
The Brno National Theatre´s Farewell to Janáček
Chairmen of the Družstvo of the Czech National Theatre in Brno 1881 - 1928
Directors of the Czech National Theatre in Brno 1884 - 1928
List of Leoš Janáček´s Opera Performances in the Brno National Theatre from 1884-1928
Glossary of Selected Individuals
List of Abbreviations
List of Illustrations
Index of People

The Moravian Museum, Brno 2012, 215 x 261 mm, 146 pages, Czech and English