Architecture and Art

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Troja Château skladem

350,00 Kč
The publication dedicated to the Toja Château describes the history of the construction and the circumstances of the creation of this important Prague baroque complex.
Prague City Gallery, Prague 2017, 130 x 205 mm, 115 pages., ISBN 978-80-7010-126-1

Architectural-artistic Competition for the Design of Jan Palach´s Monument in Všetaty skladem

590,00 Kč
On 9th October the National Museum of Prague have anounced a competition for the architectonic and artistic solution for the Jan Palach Monument in Všetaty.
National Museum of Prague, 2016, 180 pages, 210 x 295 mm, ISBN 978-80-7036-483-3

Prague Vedute of the 18th Century skladem

1 100,00 Kč
Over five hundred years, the vedute (city vistas) of Prague made of various printmaking techniques have been providing information about the view of the city as well as its urban and architectural development.
City of Prague Museum, Prague 2017, 255 x 340 mm, aprox. 470 pages., Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-87828-26-7

Not a Single Snake in Sight / Nespatříte hada skladem

390,00 Kč
Dětský svět je jednou z oblastí, jíž se dotklo s nebývalou intenzitou moderní umění.
Artefactum, Prague 2016, 235 x 330 mm, 160 pages., Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-86890-88-3

Czech Architects and the Beginnings of Tourism on the Croatian Adriatic Coast skladem

299,00 Kč
Catalogue Czech Architects and the Beginnings of Tourism on the Croatian Adriatic Coast shows Czech and Central European contricution to the development of turism in the Adriatic Coast.
Kabinet architektury, Ostrava 2016, 210 x 230 mm, 144 pages., Czech, English and Croatian, ISBN 978-80-905953-5-4

The Restless Figure skladem

790,00 Kč
The book is published to accompany an epynomous exhibition which took place from May to September 2016 in the Gallery of Prague. It contains texts by Petr Wittlich, Sandra Baborovská and Marie Rakušanová mapping evolution and importance of Czech sculpture between the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as chosen text from that time, which help to understand the thoughts during this evolution.
Karolinum, Prague 2016, 225 x 275 mm, 232 pages, Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-246-3428-9

The Slavonic Monastery of Charles IV. / Slovanský klášter Karla IV. skladem

220,00 Kč
The publication has been issued to accompany the exhibition with the same title that is being held in the Emmaus Monastery from 6 May to 21 November 2016 to mark the 700th anniversary of the birth of Charles IV.
Artefactum, Prague 2016, 210 x 297 mm, 130 pages, Czech and English, ISBN 978–80–86890–84–5

Eva Eisler skladem

650,00 Kč
Eva Eisler (b. 1952) earned her international reputation as a jewellery designer. Her works are imbued with architectural visions and multifarious concepts. While Eva Eisler’s realizations in the fields of interior and exhibition design, and fine art gradually gained importance from the 1990s, her first public presentations had already taken place in the early seventies in Czechoslovakia.
Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, 2015, 210 x 245 mm, 304 pages, Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-7101-136-1

McCullough Mulvin Architects skladem

249,00 Kč
The catalogue has been printed to accompany the exhibition that took place from April until June 2016 in Ostrava
Kabinet architektury, Ostrava 2016, 210 x 230 mm, 87 pages, Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-905953-4-7

Landscape, residence, image: Georg Johann Buquoy´s romantic order skladem

400,00 Kč
The publication is a final output of the five-year research project Rescuing Memory: the Restoration of Buquoy Property and its Place in Czech Cultural Identity.
Artefactum, Prague 2013, 265 x 235 mm, 296 pages, Cyech and English, ISBN 978-80-86890-80-7

(art) without borders skladem

390,00 Kč
The book presents the visual culture of the Ore Mountains region in the Late Middle Ages. Its distinctive character and extraordinary wealth was determined both by the ore mining and intensive cultural exchange with the centres in Bohemian inland, Saxony and Franconia.
The Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague 2016, 220 x 230 mm, 319 pages, ISBN 9788073085940

Prague Castle Photographic Archives 1918-1933 skladem

90,00 Kč
Prague Castle Photographic Archives 1918-1933 is a publication representing the eponymous photographical fund since its inception until its current professional processing and being made accessible in the Archive of the National Museum.
National Museum, Prague 2008, 240 x 285 mm, 191 pages, Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-7036-266-2

Encounters - Essays on Mediaeval Art Dedicated to Klára Benešovská skladem

400,00 Kč
The aim of this collection of texts is to present mediaeval art from various viewpoints in all its breadth, richness, and variety. It contains essays on mediaeval architecture, sculpture, panel painting, wall painting, book illumination, and artistic craftwork.

Artefactum, Prague 2015, 175 x 245 mm, 343 pages, Czech, Slovak, English, German, Italian and French, ISBN 978-80-86890-75-3

300 Treasures skladem

1 375,00 Kč
Publikace věnovaná čínským porcelánovým výrobkům ze sbírek rodu Valdštejnů, Schwarzenbergů a Lichnowských.
Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, 2015, 260 x 320 mm, 510 pages., English - translated from Czech, ISBN 978-80-86863-66-5

Estetika / The Central European Journal of Aesthetics, 2016/2 skladem

100,00 Kč
Ústav dějin umění Akademie věd ČR, Prague 2016, 23 x 15,5 cm, 145 pages

Epigraphica & Sepulcralia 5 skladem

290,00 Kč
A further volume in the series Epigraphica et Sepulcralia, with a concept as a periodical forum for epigraphic and sepulchral studies, and the aim of mapping out the current state of research in two disciplines that are in practice closely linked – sepulchral research and mediaeval and early modern epigraphy.
Artefactum Prague 2014, 148 x 210 mm, 410 pages, ISBN 9788086890661

Jasan Burin Architect: Certainties and doubts skladem

200,00 Kč
The book traces the life and work of Czech-American architect Jasan Burin (1929).
Zlatý řez, Prague 2014, 230 x 275 mm, 192 pages, Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-87068-1-44

Vital Art Nouveau 1900 skladem

1 090,00 Kč
The publication is devoted to key works of the Czech and European Art Nouveau style from the collections of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague.
Arbor vitae, Prague 2014, 220 x 250 mm, 304 pages, ISBN: 978-80-7467-054-1

Czech architecture 2012/2013 skladem

600,00 Kč
The goal of the almanac is to bring regular news about the current situation and the developments in the industry not only to the professional, but also the layman public, and to inspire public discourse.

Prostor - architektura, interiér, design, Prague 2014, 305 x 230 mm, 215 pages, ISBN 978-80-87064-14-6

Libellus Amicorum Beket Bukovinská skladem

290,00 Kč
An important work published by the Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, in 2013 is an extensive festschrift prepared to mark the occasion of the 70th birthday of Beket Bukovinská, an internationally acclaimed specialist on art handicraft in the time of the Emperor Rudolf II and on the Emperor’s Kunstkammer.

Institute of Art History, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague 2013, 165 x 215 mm, 335 pages, Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-86890-62-3