Podkategorie Architecture and Art History Fiction Other
61 … 80 z 98 produktů
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Poklady Moravy / Treasures of Moravia skladem

440,00 Kč
In this billingual publication the collective of authors presents the contribution of Moravian history and its personalitites of Czech, European, and world culture since the beginning of the settlement of Moravia by paleolithic hunters until the 20th century.
The Moravian Museum, Brno 2010, 210 x 260 mm, 376 pages, English and Czech, ISBN 978-80-7028-371-4

A Communicative Town / Sdílné město nedostupné

220,00 Kč
Publication introduces historical development of the drapery in Krnov, accompanies by the catalog of all 37 textile factories in Krnov. It also shows a factory of Alois Larish and son's company in detail.
National Heritage institure, Ostrava 2008, 114 pages, 145 x 210 mm, Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-85034-44-8

Airfields and Airports of Ostrava skladem

180,00 Kč
The new bilingual publication "Airfields and Airports of Ostrava" is focused of the establishment and development of aviation support in the city of Ostrava.
National Heritage Institute, Ostrava 2010, 111 pages., 150 x 210 mm, Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-85034-56-1

Karolinum skladem

420,00 Kč
Second, modified and expanded edition of a publication about the history of the Karolinum building and the education and celebraation of the Charles University.
Karolinum, Prague 2010, 192 pages, 260 x 200 mm, ISBN 9788024618777

Collective and Individual Patronage skladem

530,00 Kč
Anniversary of the death of Josef Hlávka in 2008 was an opportunity for musing about the institute of patronage and its operation in wider relations - geographic and temporal.
Historický ústav AV ČR v.v.i., Prague 2010, 158 x 215 mm, 618 pages

D3A Airy architecture / Živá architektura skladem

100,00 Kč
Interviews with the three principals and over 70 projects and realizations describe the evolution of their architecture against the backdrop of dynamic social, political and technological changes in the Czech Republic over the past 20 years.
Zlatý řez, Prague 2009, 220 × 165 mm, 264 pages, Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-87068-05-2

Bohumil Hrabal. A Full-length Portrait skladem

260,00 Kč
Described by Parul Sehgal in the New York Times Book Review as “one of the great prose stylists of the twentieth century; the scourge of state censors; the gregarious bar hound and lover of gossip, beer, cats, and women (in roughly that order),” Bohumil Hrabal is one of the most important, most translated, and most idiosyncratic Czech authors.
Karolinum, Prague 2019, 140 pages, 145 x 205 mm, ISBN 978-80-246-3909-3

Prague - The City and its River skladem

450,00 Kč
The appearance, character, and life in Prague has been from the beginning heavily influenced by Vlatava, river, whose flow has prepared the relief of the landscape for the settlement of the Prague basin and to later form a city, which grew into a metropolis.
Karolinum, Prague 2017, 200 x 260 mm, 200 pages, English, ISBN 978-80-246-3292-6

Trial by Theatre skladem

420,00 Kč
The motto Národ sobě – “From the Nation to Itself” – inscribed over the proscenium arch of Prague’s National Theatre symbolizes the importance theatre holds for the Czechs.
Karolinum, Praha 2019, 320 str., 170 x 240 mm, ISBN 978-80-246-3953-6

A Czech Dreambook skladem

540,00 Kč
It’s 1979 in Czechoslovakia, ten years into the crushing restoration of repressive communism known as normalization, and Ludvík Vaculík has writer’s block. On the advice of a friend, Vaculík begins to keep a diary: "a book about things, people and events.”
Karolinum, Prague 2019, 576 pages, 160 x 210 mm, ISBN 978-80-246-3852-2

A Typology of Conservation-Restoration skladem

690,00 Kč
Efforts to move from the renovation of historic buildings to their conservation-restoration stem from a desire to see greater sensitivity applied in the care of historic monuments. This volume presents a selection of projects planned and executed by the architectural studio of Girsa and Hanzl.
Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague 2011, 157 pages, 235 x 280 mm, ISBN 978-80-0104-71-2

Adaptability as a Consequence of Ethnomobility skladem

149,00 Kč
In the contemporary world, we can observe a mutual infiltration of cultures due to constant and intensive ethnomobility. There is not just a one-way adoption of cultural codes, as all interest parties are affected by multi-level cultural contacts.
National Museum, Prague 2012, 175 x 250 mm, 135 pages, ISBN 978-80-7036-368-3

Castles of Hope skladem

290,00 Kč
The life fates of the people who, during their childhood, experienced the Nazi extermination of the Jews, escaped the planned destruction and got into the castle sanatoriums of the Christian humanist Přemysl Pitter, written by Pavel Kohn and was first published in Czech in 2000.
L. Marek Publishing House, Prague 2018, 326 pages., 150 × 210 mm, ISBN 978-80-87127-91-9

Catalogue of Icons skladem

100,00 Kč
Catalogue of Icons from the Collection of the formel N. P. Kondakov Institute in Prague.
Artefactum, Prague 1998, 160 x 235 mm, 216 pages, ISBN 80-902279-6-1

Československé gramofony - Czechoslovak record players 1946 - 1993 skladem

630,00 Kč
Publikace "Československé gramofony 1946-1993" si klade za cíl seznámit širokou laickou i odbornou veřejnost s historií výroby gramofonů v Československu.

The publication „Czechoslovak Record Players 1946-1993“ aims to introduce to both, lay and professional public, with the history of gramophone production in Czechoslovakia.
Národní technické muzeum, Praha 2021, 265 x 215 mm, 389 str., bar., česky/anglicky,
ISBN 978-80-7037-338-5

Estetika / The Central European Journal of Aesthetics, 2017/2 skladem

110,00 Kč
Ústav dějin umění Akademie věd ČR, Praha 2017, 23 x 15,5 cm, 178 str., anglicky

Everyday Spooks skladem

400,00 Kč
One of the most successful Czech prose books of the 60s, Everyday Spooks by Karel Michal has become famous by original satire aimed at everyday reality in the communist Czechoslovakia of the 50s and 60s.
Karolinum, Prague 2008, 150 x 210 mm, 226 str., ISBN 978-80-246-1494-6

FA ČVUT 1976 - 2016 skladem

300,00 Kč
Published at the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the renewal of the separate Faculty of Architecture ČVUT. Publication presents the history of the university, the development of architecture education and chosen works of graduates and pedagogues and reminisce about important personalities of the faculty.
Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague, 2016, 170 x 240 mm, 330 pages, ISBN 978-80-01-06031-5

Local Strategies – International Ambitions skladem

450,00 Kč
Proceedings from the International Conference of the Institute of Art History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague and New York University in Prague from 2003.
Artefactum, Prague 2006, 220 x 300 mm, 243 pages, ISBN 80-86890-08-2

Logic of Space. Architect Robert Konieczny.KWK Promes skladem

199,00 Kč
This catalogue has been published to accompany exhibition the Logic of Space | Architect Robert Konieczny | KWK Promes in Dům umění 4. 12. 2009 – 7. 2. 2010.
SPOK - Spolek pro ostravskou kulturu, Ostrava 2009, 210 x 230 mm, 60 pages, ISBN 978-80-904096-5-1