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Seven Years K.O.V. in stock

880,00 Kč
in stock
The publication introduces chosen student works of the K.O.V. atelier from 2007–2014.
Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Prague 2015, 270 pages., Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-86863-81-8

Modfolk in stock

275,00 Kč
in stock
The catalogue showcases a collection realised in Fashion and Footwear Design Atelier UMPRUM, which is lead by fashion designer Liběna Rochová.
Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Prague 2015, 127 pages., Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-87989-10-4

Encounters - Essays on Mediaeval Art Dedicated to Klára Benešovská in stock

400,00 Kč
in stock
The aim of this collection of texts is to present mediaeval art from various viewpoints in all its breadth, richness, and variety. It contains essays on mediaeval architecture, sculpture, panel painting, wall painting, book illumination, and artistic craftwork.

Artefactum, Prague 2015, 175 x 245 mm, 343 pages, Czech, Slovak, English, German, Italian and French, ISBN 978-80-86890-75-3

Zvi Hecker in stock

249,00 Kč
in stock
Catalogue was published to accompany an exhibition in Dům umění – Kabinet architektury which took place 7. 3. – 27. 4. 2014
SPOK, Ostrava 2014, Czech, Polish and English, 128 pages, 210 x 230 mm, ISBN 978-80-87508-11-4

300 Treasures in stock

1 375,00 Kč
in stock
Publikace věnovaná čínským porcelánovým výrobkům ze sbírek rodu Valdštejnů, Schwarzenbergů a Lichnowských.
Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, 2015, 260 x 320 mm, 510 pages., English - translated from Czech, ISBN 978-80-86863-66-5

Estetika / The Central European Journal of Aesthetics, 2016/2 in stock

100,00 Kč
in stock
Ústav dějin umění Akademie věd ČR, Prague 2016, 23 x 15,5 cm, 145 pages

Czech Photography of the 20th Century in stock

1 138,00 Kč
in stock
This publication by Vladimír Birgus and Jan Mlčoch introduces various movements and trends of the art of photography since the beginning of the century, through the modern photography movements in the twenties to Staged and portrait photography of the end of the 20th century.
Kant and UPM in Prague, Prague 2010, 285 x 250 mm, 392 pages, ISBN 978-80-7101-090-6

The Irish Franciscans in Prague 1629 - 1786 in stock

390,00 Kč
in stock
At the end of the sixteenth century, Queen Elizabeth I forced the Irish Franciscans into exile. Of the four continental provinces to which the Irish Franciscans fled, the Prague Franciscan College of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary was the largest in its time.
Karolinum, Prague 2015, size 165 x 235 mm, 226 pages, ISBN 978-80-246-2676-5

Czech law in historical contexts in stock

390,00 Kč
in stock
This book deals with the development of Czech law from its initial origins as a form of Slavic law to its current position, reflecting the influence of the legal systems of neighbouring countries and that of Roman law.
Karolinum, Prague 2015, size 165 - 235 mm, 240 pages, ISBN 978-80-246-2860-8

Epigraphica & Sepulcralia 5 in stock

290,00 Kč
in stock
A further volume in the series Epigraphica et Sepulcralia, with a concept as a periodical forum for epigraphic and sepulchral studies, and the aim of mapping out the current state of research in two disciplines that are in practice closely linked – sepulchral research and mediaeval and early modern epigraphy.
Artefactum Prague 2014, 148 x 210 mm, 410 pages, ISBN 9788086890661

Oxymoron & Pleonasm - Conversations on American Critical and Projective Theory of Architecture in stock

150,00 Kč
in stock
The book contains twelve interviews focusing on the problem of critical and projective approach to architectural thinking and design discussed by leading American theorists, historians and practitioners of architecture.
Zlatý řez, Prague 2014, 142 x 230 mm, 488 pages, ISBN 978-80-87068-13-7

Old Prague legends in stock

269,00 Kč
in stock
The book the good reader holds in his or her hands contains a collection of twenty-nine tales or legends associated with several well-known sites of old Prague.
Plot, Prague 2008, 185 x 135 mm, 135 pages, ISBN 978-80-86523-87-3

Jasan Burin Architect: Certainties and doubts in stock

200,00 Kč
in stock
The book traces the life and work of Czech-American architect Jasan Burin (1929).
Zlatý řez, Prague 2014, 230 x 275 mm, 192 pages, Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-87068-1-44

Vital Art Nouveau 1900 in stock

1 090,00 Kč
in stock
The publication is devoted to key works of the Czech and European Art Nouveau style from the collections of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague.
Arbor vitae, Prague 2014, 220 x 250 mm, 304 pages, ISBN: 978-80-7467-054-1

Czech architecture 2012/2013 in stock

600,00 Kč
in stock
The goal of the almanac is to bring regular news about the current situation and the developments in the industry not only to the professional, but also the layman public, and to inspire public discourse.

Prostor - architektura, interiér, design, Prague 2014, 305 x 230 mm, 215 pages, ISBN 978-80-87064-14-6

Flowers In The Dustbin / Kytky v popelnici in stock price promotion

220,00 Kč
in stock price promotion
A publication by Konstantina Hlaváčková, with an introduction by Pavel Kosatík, recalls the key events of the seventies and their effects on the fashion and lifestyle of the people of the western world and the former Czechoslovakia.

Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, 2007, size 303 x 217 mm, 168 pages, English and Czech, ISBN 978-80-7101-072-2

Libellus Amicorum Beket Bukovinská in stock

290,00 Kč
in stock
An important work published by the Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, in 2013 is an extensive festschrift prepared to mark the occasion of the 70th birthday of Beket Bukovinská, an internationally acclaimed specialist on art handicraft in the time of the Emperor Rudolf II and on the Emperor’s Kunstkammer.

Institute of Art History, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague 2013, 165 x 215 mm, 335 pages, Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-86890-62-3

National Style. Arts and Politics in stock

349,00 Kč
in stock
The National Style entered the scene with the end of the World War I, when the intensive feeling of historical victory conditioned and fortified new contents of a part of Czech art, architecture and craft.
Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, 2013, 200 x 260 mm, 187 pages., Czech and English, ISBN 978-80-86863-62-7

Space house in stock

290,00 Kč
in stock
Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, Prague, 2000, 222 x 190 mm, 59 pages, Czech and English

Czech architecture 2010-2011 in stock

650,00 Kč
in stock
he goal of the almanac is to bring regular news about the current situation and the developments in the industry not only to the professional, but also the layman public, and to inspire public discourse.

Prostor - architektura, interiér, design, Prague 2012, 305 x 230 mm, 203 pages, ISBN 978-80-87064-07-8